Definition of our terminology as used within this document:

1. A ‘Client’ is a person, persons, business or organisation using any of the services provided by Rhino Websites.

2. ‘Live” means the date the website is available on the Clients chosen domain.

3. ‘Domain’ is the website address as specified by the Client.

4. ‘Open Source Software’ is software made freely available to anyone under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

5. ‘Hosting’ is a yearly cost to keep a clients website activated online.

6. ‘Content’ is both text and images that the Client requires on the website.

Terms and Conditions

1. The contract between Rhino Websites and the Client will be on these conditions, to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. Any variations to these conditions shall have no effect unless agreed in writing.

2. Email and support tickets will be the method of contact with regard to all communication. We will use email and support tickets as our method of communication and therefore it is the Client’s responsibility to inform us of any change in email address so we always have up to date email contact details. Rhino Websites can not be held liable in any way relating to communication issues if we are not supplied a valid email address. Rhino Websites will acknowledge all emails within 3 working days.

3. Rhino Websites will only commence development work on a Project after receipt of payment via our online form and paypal subscription charges have been applied from the Client. The website will be switched to Live once the Client is happy.

4. The payment to Rhino Websites covers the cost of design work carried out as well as any admin work and communication with Rhino Websites.

5. Upon the Client giving Rhino Websites the permission to begin development work on a Project, they accept responsibility to pay the website cost regardless of any changing business circumstances that may effect the completion of the Project.

6. Rhino Websites shall expect the Client to carry out sufficient research before proceeding with a website. This will include checking that the website/idea/business will operate legally. It is important that the website is not in any way illegal.

7. It is important for the Client to keep in contact with Rhino Websites throughout the entire Project. This can be done through our support ticketing system. If a Client does not make contact for 2 weeks we will make up to 5 attempts to contact the client by email using the email address specified when the client placed their order. If we do not receive a response to these attempts of contact the Project may be terminated, and the website cost will not be refunded. We will levy a £25 admin charge if the client later returns and wishes to continue work on their Project.

8. Where images used on the website have been purchased by Rhino Websites on behalf of the Client, these images are strictly for use on the website only. Rhino Websites are not liable for misuse of these images by the Client or any other persons copying, altering or distributing the images to individuals or other organisations.

9. Rhino Websites will host and maintain the website if the Client requires us to do so and on receipt of full payment of our Hosting fees. In doing so, Rhino Websites will endeavour to provide a reliable and professional service to the Client at all times but do not guarantee that the website Hosting will be available at all times, especially in the event of a technical failure beyond our control.

10. All Hosting offered by Rhino Websites is limited to 500mb of website space unless otherwise stated in a separate contract. If your site requires more than 500mb of space we will advise of other Hosting solutions and then cease Hosting the site.

11. Rhino Websites cannot be held responsible for anything adversely affecting the Client’s business operation, sales, or profitability that might be claimed is a result of a service offered by Rhino Websites.

12. Where asked to provide search engine optimisation for a Client, Rhino Websites do not guarantee any specific placement or high ranking on search engines.

13. Rhino Websites will provide the Client with an expected completion date for the Project (live on the internet) if requested. Rhino Websites will endeavour to meet any given deadline, but do not guarantee and are not bound in any way to complete the Project by this date. The expected completion date provided by Rhino Websites is purely an estimate.

14. It is the Clients responsibility to check with Rhino Websites whether Open Source Software is being used or not.

15. The Client shall not be charged for Open Source Software. If there is a charge for a website using Open Source Software, the Client is paying for the installation time. Open Source Software is not owned by Rhino Websites or the Client.

16. Rhino Websites own all design and code of the website until after the website has been with Rhino Websites for a period of 5 years. After 5 years, the Client will then own the design and code of the website, unless Open Source Software is used.

17. All additional work carried out on clients websites will be invoiced giving the client 30 days to pay for their add-on. If payment is not received after 30 days the client will receive a reminder email every 2nd day. If the client still has not paid their invoice their website will become unavailable (offline), if no payment or contact has been made within 7 days a £20 admin charge is added to the clients account, this must be paid to bring the account up to date and make the website live again.

18. All images displayed on the Client’s website will only be used after authorisation by the Client, and are the sole responsibility of the Client regarding usage and copyright. Should any legal issues or claims arise from the content or copyright of any images supplied by the Client or Rhino Websites, they will be the sole responsibility of the Client.

19. A domain name will be registered by Rhino Websites on behalf of the client once we have received the payment of the website..

20. It is the responsibility of the Client to renew their domain names when due, although in most cases Rhino Websites will be responsible for domain renewal. If a domain name expires, Rhino Websites can not be held liable for this. However, Rhino Websites will make reasonable effort to contact the Client regarding domain renewal.

21. When a Client renews Hosting with Rhino Websites, this also includes domain renewal if the renewal is needed to keep the site functioning and was purchased as part of the Hosting package. If the Client does not renew the Hosting, their domain name could be made available to the public for purchase and Rhino Websites can not be held liable for this.

22. Renewal of Hosting is due on a monthly basis. The date of renewal will be monthly from the date the website was made live. The Hosting will not be renewed if Rhino Websites cannot contact the Client or the Client requests for Rhino Websites to not host this site.

23. The Hosting renewal charge must be received within the expiry date. Rhino Websites reserve the right to deactivate any website where the Hosting has expired and the Client has not paid the renewal charge. There will be an admin fee set by Rhino Websites for reactivating the website/Hosting.

24. If the Client does not use Rhino Websites Hosting services, then the management and Hosting of the Domain name are the full responsibility of the Client. This is only applicable after 5 years.

25. Should a Client wish to move Hosting away from Rhino Websites or transfer a Domain name away from Rhino Websites, a £15 admin charge will be issued, which must be paid before the transfer takes place. This is only applicable after 5 years.

26. Rhino Websites has no control of, or responsibility for, the content of Clients websites. In no way does the textual or image based Content of our Client’s web sites constitute Rhino Websites endorsement, or approval of the website or the material contained within the website. Rhino Websites has not verified any of the materials, images or information contained within our Client’s web sites and is not responsible for the content or performance of these sites or for the Client’s transactions with them. Rhino Websites provides links or references to our Client’s websites solely for the convenience of prospective customers and intends that the links it provides be current and accurate, but does not guarantee or warrant that such links will point to the intended Client site at all times.

27. Rhino Websites shall place a small text link on the footer of a Clients website that simply states the website was designed by Rhino Websites and links to our company website.

28. Rhino Websites are not liable for loss, damage or corruption to files or information stored on its servers or individual PCs relating to a Client’s website. The Client is solely responsible for any information or files relating to its website.

29. If a Domain name is purchased by the Client through a company other than Rhino Websites, the Client has full responsibility in making sure that the domain name is renewed when due. Rhino Websites will not renew the Domain name when annual Hosting renewal is due if the Domain name is purchased through a company other than Rhino Websites.

30. Rhino Websites makes no claims that the contents of this website may be lawfully viewed or downloaded outside England and Wales. Access to this website may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If this website is accessed from outside of the United Kingdom, it is done at own risk and the visitor is responsible for compliance with the relevant laws of the visitors jurisdiction. The terms and conditions of this website are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Jurisdiction for any claims arising in respect of this websites Content shall lie exclusively with the courts of England. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.